The D70 Alpha Flat Coil (uncoated)

System information

For a reliable, top-tier performance, researchers have turned to the D70mm Alpha coil for the past two decades. This double 70mm winding offers exceptional focality, making it a key opinion leader in neuroscientific studies. The Magstim® also offers an uncoated flat version of this coil to allow for true double-blinded trials and further evaluation.

*The D70 Alpha Flat Coil (uncoated) has a European CE Marking

Compatibility (active)

Compatibility (placebo)

200², BiStim², Rapid² family

Rapid² standard & Super Rapid²

Average Inductance (active) 16µH
Average Coil Diameter 2xØ90mm
Coil Cable Length 2m
Peak Magnetic Field (active) Magstim Rapid² 0.92 T